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community mag!

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Posted by Reptica on June 20, 2002 at 18:08:33:

Hi guys, me and a friend from reptica have come up with an idea. But in order for this idea to work, it will involve a whole community of reptile lovers to make it work.

What we were thinking was to put together a site, where visitors can submit articles, pictures, anything! that envolves reptiles. This can be from care sheets to intersting news or even pictures of your own turtles, or snapshots youve taken from the wild! And at the end of each month, we will put together the best articles/pictures etc and create a community magazine! Of course we will give you credit on the mag for your submissions.

We have not started yet and are gathering information on wether is a good idea, or a stupid one. If so are you willing to submit some articles? Pictures? because we being only a 2 peson team cannot write a whole magazine by ourselves, this is why it is called a community magazine! Where people can learn new things, read about others experiences and more!

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