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Thank you for your advice Jared n/p

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Posted by McNasty78 on April 06, 2003 at 09:35:06:

In Reply to: Re: I may have an addiction..... posted by jared w on April 05, 2003 at 17:45:11:

:Like I said, youll find your niche. Not big on the coppers eh? Well I'll take that with a grain of salt since ya havent kept transpecos. Yeah a baby or yearling rhino is not a bad choice, considering there a little less volitle than puffs and gabs, less toxic, and reach smaller sizes. Not a bad choice at all but definately go with a CB, imports tend to perish rather quickly due to parasites. Good luck,



::I hear ya......I've actually gone through a few southern copperheads a few years ago....they were ok.....didn't really excite me though. I think I did find my little "niche" with the small colorful tree vipers.......except now, I've had a LITTLE hankering for a rhino. LOL but I know they're a whole nother beast.

:::Take it slow bro, all good things come in due time. I would suggest a small (as always) copperhead of any ssp. They are awesome animals, very hardy, and usually problem free captive. If your into the aboreals maybe some popes or atheris to kick it up. Other good hots would be small viridus ssp like great basins, north or south pacifics, etc or if your looking for elapids maybe a coral cobra. Just take your time and eventually you will find the genus of hots that most appeals to you, good luck


::::I got my first banana yellow eyelash viper a few weeks ago.....I want more. LOTS more, and I can't help it!!! My pythons/boas are now BORING compared to the awe and respect I feel for my new captive. Help!!!! Also, any recommendations for my NEXT captive are welcome.




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