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You're right....

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Posted by Chance on November 25, 2002 at 14:16:03:

In Reply to: I didnt think i was being a jerk... posted by Jeremy G on November 25, 2002 at 13:40:26:

You weren't being a jerk...until your buddy tj chimed in and you felt the need to back him up in his attempt to berate me. That's completely unneeded, he knows it, and you do. Like I said, I'm on your side about the CCs. They obviously can be very dangerous, however there are some people with experience with these snakes that don't consider them to be very dangerous. This argument I was referring to was not on this thread, it was on one quite some time ago, and I forget which forum. I don't remember if you were part of it or not, though probably not. Sorry for the confusion there. Sorry about the little vent, but sometimes it seems that any time I say anything, someone will poke and prod it until they can find some little something they want to gripe at me about. That just starts to get old after a little while.

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