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Re: Read this..................

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Posted by Robbin on April 09, 2003 at 04:27:50:

In Reply to: Read this.................. posted by Fred Albury on March 19, 2003 at 22:59:03:

How many people do you think would die if Saddam was left in power? His own people and god forbid the rest of the world if he ever got hold of nuclear! The man is evil and a dictator. I am not glad to see the war, but then again I am more for it than against it. As for 80 to 90% of people in the UK against it. Where are you actually based? I would say 60% in favour. And half of the protesters have not a clue why they dont support it. Leave people like Saddam and other dictators alone, and it will be more than the two towers that will be destroyed, more than the poor innocent people killed in war. Its just a matter of time before something major happens over here (terrorists), but hey, lets just leave them alone and let them get on with there acts of terror. You people make me laugh.

::sad world indeed..when more people are upset with a war which hasnt yet taken place than when the two towers was destroyed!!!!!

:How MANY innocent citzens do you think will die as a result of this war and its aftermath? How many soldiers will die from exposure to biolgical weapons or uranium from our own bombs that we drop? Do the math. If human carnage is what appalls you, then be appalled. Its not right.

:Fred Albury
:Aztec Reptiles


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