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Re: Help With Mites

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Posted by Alansmiley on September 05, 2002 at 05:02:37:

In Reply to: Help With Mites posted by adihoile on September 04, 2002 at 13:35:25:

This is the way I always dealt with them , though it may be outdated now , it's quite a while since I kept snakes.

Go to a good hardware store or supermarket and buy a vapona flykiller block .
Open the plastic holder that contains the yellow block , then cut the fly killer into small squares .
You can work out how big the squares need to be for each vivarium by reading the instructions on the packet.
Then put each little square in a small matchbox or similar container that has been puched with many holes to allow air circulation, and hang them inside the vivariums .
Leave them in there for a few days (about 4 I think), then take them out and repeat 10 days later . Always worked for me .

Good luck,
Oh yeh , don't forget to remove the drinking water during treatment.

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