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HELP my snapper escaped!

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Posted by lacie143 on May 06, 2003 at 23:20:33:

In Reply to: HELP my snapper escaped! posted by Chrysemys on May 06, 2003 at 19:33:09:

we will naturally search for food and water, so as long as he isnt stuck he'll be looking for it. Put a container of water out for him, if u can build a ramp to where he can get in and not get out, then u should have ur problem solved, but be sure to keep food and water easily accessable too, just in case hes not ambisious 9spelling9 enough to climb the ramp. I'm not sure how long he can live, but chances are if u wait around u'll hear scratching or moving comming from somewhere. My gerbil escaped from his cage the other day and was wondering our guest/storeage room for an hour, but we found him, so a slow moving turtle shouldnt be tooo difficult, even though hes kinda small

:I have a problem. I put my little 2in common snaper in his feeding bin and he some how managed to get out. We limited it down top a single room but there is soooo much crap in that room it's impossible to look for him. He have looked for about an hour now and no luck. the room is about 20ft by 10ft. I have no idea what to do. I mean where to I start. Is there a way to lure him out. How long can he last with no water or food? Thanks for any help at all...
:Chris D.

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