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Not sure what to get.

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Posted by Pogo on May 05, 2003 at 13:23:26:

Hello. I need help picking out which turtle/tortoise to keep in my backyard but I'm not sure what to look for. I live in south florida so the tempature is between 90 and 59 F. The area I'm looking to keep it is 40'x20' (gate can be opened for more room) with a 5'pond. There are a lot of stray cats in the area so it needs to be big enough to defend itself. I would like it to be simi aquatic as well too. So for I'm looking into the red footed tortiose but still not sure. I've a few different reptiles over the years but only one turtle (and it was a box turtle). If anyone can suggest some species that would enjoy these conditions plese let me know.

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