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Pond Liner....Guarentee Safe or Roofing Liner?

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Posted by Yonkers on April 11, 2003 at 08:53:13:

Hey All,

Well a few of you have been a huge help in my planning of my new spotted turtle pond/possible blandings turtle as well in time. I figured I would make a new post since my other has become quite long with many questions of mine being answered.

Now for from what I gather as a very contriversal issue. What to use as my liner. I know it has to be a 45 mil rubber liner but can I use roofing liner or does it have to be a guarentted pond safe liner?

I was looking at skippy's pond page and he said roofing liner is fine. Now I want a few other peoples input on this.

I will have fish...feeder goldfish for the turtles and lots of plants of course. Also after i fill my pond for the first time...after washing off the long before I can add turtles/fish/plants?

Thanks - Scott

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