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Re: help horrible horrible fungus infection (no shell rot yet)

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Posted by bloomindaedalus on April 10, 2003 at 21:07:26:

In Reply to: help horrible horrible fungus infection (no shell rot yet) posted by PlopFlop on April 10, 2003 at 20:34:29:

knowing what species it is may help. i have successfully treated fungus infections with acriflavin and vinegar and water, But the best way to kill most fungi (that you're likely to find on a turtle shell0 is to let them dry out. i usually apply the liquid of choice and then let the turtle sit out of water for about 4 hours. then rinse and then retun tth animal to its enclosure (or hospital tank, as the cae mayeb) the do it again the next day. severe cases may require several treatments per day, but you must evaluate the stress this may pose to the animal. I do not think most aquatic turtles would be harmed if left out of the water overnight. people do this all the time when treating them, Softshells, snappers, fly rivers and musks will like it less but no turtle will die from it. Just don't let it overheat.

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