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Re: Honesty is the Best Policy

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Posted by Samia Salik on April 19, 2002 at 10:32:25:

In Reply to: Re: Honesty is the Best Policy posted by Dana on April 19, 2002 at 09:17:29:

My ball made it ok, but that was luck. It was never shipped because it was found to be a wild animal. We had to go pick it up from a very hot warehouse. I find that pretty sad that people use cost as an excuse. I would have paid the $70 for air freight knowing that it would save me the hell I went through yesterday. Not to mention how the animal is handled when the shippers, sorters, handlers, carriers don't know what is in the box. I know what most breeders do and it is pathetic. And it is not just breaking company policy. This is against the law!! The "lacey act" states that all interstate transport of live reptiles must be labeled with quantity, common name, and scientific
name. Those who don't do this are shipping illegally. Anyone who ships these animals illegally should be ashamed of themselves. At least give the customer the courtesy of knowing problems may occur because you are breaking the law!!

: that is unfortunate,but just so you know, the only way to ship snakes and "be honest" is air freight. that costs about $70. most breeders use fed ex, ups, or airborne for shipping snakes because most customers do not want to pay $70 for shipping. you also have to go to the airport, do a bunch of paperwork, etc etc. with these companies you are just breaking company policy and many of them dont care (ie. i've been told by airborne people that it is ok to ship live snakes and lizards, just dont make a claim and dont write it on the box). so, there are really not a lot of choices when it comes to shipping snakes at the moment.
: i hope your ball makes it there ok.
: dana

: : I am currently awaiting delivery of my ball python and due to the fact that the breeder I purchased from LIED about fed ex being able to ship, it is somewhere in a hot truck, NOT being delivered.

: : I purchased a snake through a breeder on I am currently fighting to have my snake shipped. I was told there would be no problem shipping through FedEx, but apparently FedEx does not allow it. Not only did I waste my whole day from 7am to4pm waiting on the snake to be delivered, but more importantly, there is a Ball Python on some hot truck right now not being delivered. It is now 6:12pm and I am questioning the fate of that poor snake. I am highly upset with the breeder for not being honest but right now am focusing on saving that little guy. If you buy a snake from a breeder, don't let them feed you lies. FedEx does not allow the shipping of live animals and it is more trouble than you would ever imagine for yourself, and more importantly for the snake.

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