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Yes, you can refreeze!

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Posted by Bluerosy on May 05, 2003 at 20:14:19:

In Reply to: Can I freeze than? Or still no? posted by jsm on May 05, 2003 at 17:13:11:

I am going to have to go with Rick on this. Snakes will eat the most deplorable old decaying prey in the wild. Why not use a clean pink again. I have even used day old and smelly mice and offered them to snakes. They seem to relish the stinky old mice just like a fresh one.

:I haven't had any problems getting her to eat or anything. Just last week she wasn't hungry and I didn't want to waste the pinkie. I threw that one away and just wanted to know for future reference. She ate fine yesterday. Just curious really. (I guess I'm just cheap too) don't want to waste anymore pinkies..:-)

: :People have seen snakes eating roadkill that was stuck to the pavement. I don't think refreezing a pinky (as long as it is not rotting by that time) to be a big deal. There is certainly no biochemical (breakdown due to refreezing) reason for not refreezing.

::Also, most baby Kenyans will only eat live food, so if you are having difficulty getting yours to eat this may be why.


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