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I noticed you leave your water dishes in...

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Posted by markg on May 01, 2003 at 11:51:50:

In Reply to: I noticed you leave your water dishes in... posted by Jeannie on April 30, 2003 at 14:10:58:

I live in So California. Rosies live in So California. I used to leave water dishes in the cages at all times. Never had a problem. Then I kept reading how bad it was supposed to be, so the water dishes spend less time in the cages. A friend of mine kept two rosies in plastic boxes with a few tiny air holes and that is it. He's had the rosies 22 years. They've produced scores of babies. I guess it depends where you live, meaning ambient humidity. If I lived in Florida it would probably be a different story.

At any rate, for any snake, adequate ventilation is good. I also think that if the room has some ventilation, then the cage doesn't need large screened openings. I've been in some pretty stuffy snake rooms, and that may account for the cages needing as many air holes as possible. My snake room is a spare bedroom, with only about a dozen snakes nowadays. The window in the room gets opened fairly often. Maybe that is why my rosies can thrive in sweater boxes with only a row of air holes around them. I don't have problems with Transpecos ratsnakes either, another humidity-sensitive species. Again, maybe if I lived in Louisiana it would be different.

I think the lidless rack with the back largely open is a good way to go for rosies if you go lidless. This is a good way to go for any snake really as long as you can supply the heat requirements.

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