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Am I feeding my rosy enough?

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Posted by Bluerosy on April 27, 2003 at 13:29:11:

In Reply to: Am I feeding my rosy enough? posted by Nicodemus on April 26, 2003 at 22:16:28:

If your Harquahala is anywhere near the size of these two Harquhalas (18") then its definetly time to move up to weaned mice.

The fuzzy in this picture is to SMALL a meal unless you offer two at a time. You need to get past the pinky stage and skip to weaned mice which are a bit larger than the fuzzy in the pic. This will provide much needed calcium and other vital nutrients not found in pinkies.
A rosy that is continually fed pinks up to this juvenile/subadult stage can have some health problems and may even go off food completely from malnutrition of the pinks. My suggestion is to get a few of this size (pictured) into your rosy and then next week move up to weaned mice= eyes open and jumping around a lot, by next week.
I also think you will be pleased with the growth spurt that will occur. Remember not to overfeed to many meals at one time so that regurgitation does not occur and take out the water dish. Drinking a day or two after a meal can induce regurgitation in rosys as well. I keep my rosys without water year round (except for neonates and gravid females)and the regurge problems have ben cut down considerably.
Regurgitation can and is a problem with rosys because once it starts it can be difficult to stop. Best thing is to wait ten days befroe offering another meal!

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