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Length/weight for '00 Mexican rosy?

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Posted by Bluerosy on April 27, 2003 at 11:24:59:

In Reply to: Length/weight for '00 Mexican rosy? posted by Jeannie on April 26, 2003 at 21:57:31:

Your male is cruisin for females after the winter months. It is normal for your male to shut down (go off feed) during this time of the year!
Most males tend to stay on the lean side as well.
What you have to do is power feed the rosy during the period he is eating. Be careful not to overfeed to much at one meal so that regurgitaion does not occur. Rather several small meals every other day or 3x week.

:My '00 male Mexican rosy only eats for 6 months out of the year, if that, although he's a good eater when he is eating. He brumates 4 months a year. He has grown pretty slowly, but steadily, and doesn't lose a lot of weight during his fasting times. I just weighed and measured him and he is 20" and 93 grams. Can anyone tell me if his weight is OK in proportion to his length? He's eaten very well since he came out of brumation, but it looks like he's going on another fast, so I really want to track his weight carefully this time, in case it's a long one (last fast was 8 months, and he's only been eating 2 months).

:Thanks for any help.


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