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Thanks. I will do that. Let u know what happens. :-) np

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Posted by jsm on April 25, 2003 at 17:17:36:

In Reply to: an interesting I am worried......(LONG) posted by jasons-jungle on April 25, 2003 at 11:50:00:

::Last night my boyfriend fed our baby KSB by putting it in its 'tupperware' with lid on and pinky inside. We have fed her this way many times before with no problem. Well, last night she became super snake and pop off the lid while we weren't looking (I know, our fault) and crawled out, off the counter, and disapeared. He noticed she was gone right a way. So we started our own little CSI team and tried to tack her down. The cat meowing/barking (she does that:-}) at a crack between the wall and the kitchen cabinet proved to show that she had crawled in to the teeny crack and was behind the kitchen cabinet and we could seee her slithering into a tiny hole in the wall. AAAAA. Needless to say, we now have plenty of fist size holes in our apt walls (explain THAT to the leasing office? I think not) but I managed to get her out after an hour or two. Soooooo, after sticking my hands in these holes to look for her, my hands started to hurt from the fiberglass in the walls. I did not want to aggitate her so I put her in her tank. But now I am not sure if crawling around in there could harm her. Should I rinse her off? Should I leave her alone? She seemed ok. Do I even need to worry? Help.

:Glad to hear you found her, that's the most important thing :) I had that happen once so now I feed babies in a deli cup but put the deli cup INSIDE of their normal cage :)
:I doubt that the insulation would cause a snake as much skin irritation as it does us humans, but I would be more worried about the eyes and respiratory tract than anything. I would definitely give the snake a warm bath and dry it with a very soft towel. Don't rub her, let her crawl around and dry herself off.
:Make sure to check for wheezing, sneezing, etc. in the next few weeks just to make sure she didn't catch any of that in her throat that could cause a problem.
:Good luck,
:Jason @ Jason's Jungle

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