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Rosy breeding questions:

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Posted by markg on April 25, 2003 at 15:40:17:

In Reply to: Rosy breeding questions: posted by bootsiecollinsus on April 25, 2003 at 12:28:23:

Make sure you actually have a pair. The male will have small spurs- one on each side of the vent. The female will have small indentations there but no spurs. When I was very new to rosies, I had what I thought were two adult females in one cage, because the previous owner said they were females. My male was still a baby and so I didn't try breeding. One day in Fall I found babies in the cage. One of the females turned out to be a male. I never bothered to check.

Anyway, to your question.. although rosies generally breed easily assuming conditions are correct, it can also happen that a female will just not produce in some years. Also, they may not produce when changing owners for whatever reason. Rosies can be sensitive sometimes. Do you keep them together year round? For some species of snake, the male has a reduced sex drive if with the female year round. Not sure about rosies. Need more info on how you keep them.

Please verify the sex and post back.

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