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Have a suggestion for how to move my Rosy cross-country?

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Posted by serpentdude on April 22, 2003 at 11:26:18:

In Reply to: Have a suggestion for how to move my Rosy cross-country? posted by Shanti on April 18, 2003 at 16:23:06:

When I've moved my snakes in the past I've treated them almost as if I was going to ship them. Find a styrofoam cooler or box, pad it with newspaper, place the snake in a cloth sack (a pillowcase works well) and place bag with snake in the container. As long as it's dark for them and no extreme temperature changes it'll be fine for a couple of days. Dismantle the cage and pack the furniture (in your case, the water dish)in the enclosure, wrapping anything that can bump up against the glass carefully. Have the cage readily accessible so that when you reach your destination it can be one of the first things you set up and place your snake in it's familiar space. In my experience transporting the snake will be easier (and less traumatic) than moving the cat!!!

Note: Do not leave snake in a closed vehicle in sunny weather without some way to moderate temperatures. Even on a cool day the sun can heat the inside of a vehicle to dangerous levels for snakes. And obviously protect it from very cold temps as well.

:I am going to be driving with my snake (and my cat) from Colorado to Washington state. I currently have my Rosy in a simple set up--sand and a water dish with a heating pad underneath. I am wondering if anybody who has driven with their snake this distance has any suggestions. For one thing, I usually feed him around this time of the month...but I have opted not to since we will be leaving in a week (he eats only once a month), and I am afraid of regurgitation.

:My only other worry is keeping the cage warm, and whether or not this will be traumatic for him.

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