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Biting 3-Year-Old

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Posted by sheck3 on April 22, 2003 at 09:16:05:

I am an experienced snake owner who owns a variety of animals. I have a very healthy captive bred female southern California Rosy, about three years old, who, until a few days ago, was the most docile, lovey snake I have ever owned. Suddenly, she has started biting. She doesn't strike: she rubs the side of her head along my hand or arm, then turns, slowly opens her mouth and bites down. Very weird. She is fat and healthy: she has a cage to herself, but there is a juvenile male in another cage in an adjoining room. She ate well less than a week ago. She doesn't appear to be pre-shed.

I've already looked at previous postings regarding biting, and I'm actually encouraged to see so many! I guess this isn't all that unusual. I'm willing to continue handling her while trying the lemon juice/vinegar routine or rubber gloves, but my primary concern is what would cause this's as if her evil twin has taken her place. Can anyone offer information or advice? Thanks.

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