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Re: 3 ?? on KSB

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Posted by Draconem on April 07, 2003 at 20:52:29:

In Reply to: 3 ?? on KSB posted by jsm on April 07, 2003 at 10:40:08:

::How can I tell how old she is?::
How big (length/weight) is it? Although we can't tell for sure (a snake fed weekly will grow faster than one fed bi-weekly), we can make an educated guess.

::When we do get one, does it matter if they are a different size from one another? Should he be bigger, smaller, than her?::
When you put them together, IMO, they should be at least close to the same size (don't put a new born with an 400g adult female) just because they can hurt each other. I would also feed them seperately to make sure there is no fighting or accidental biting (they have great feeding responses!).

::And third, when is breeding season for KSB?::
They don't really have a breeding "season"... for the most part, breeding starts in "spring-like" conditions. So, if you wanted, you could cool down your animals, and brumate them over the summer, and they would breed in the winter. I must admit that I am no expert in Kenyan breeding, and I'm sure someone else will come on with more information, but I hope this helps.

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