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could be a very bad idea......

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Posted by chrish on April 07, 2003 at 07:56:09:

In Reply to: disco fysh posted by sga1120 on April 07, 2003 at 00:14:08:

There are two issues here....

First, I don't know whether snakes eyes are sensitive to light in the near ultraviolet wavelengths and whether they would be disturbed by the continual UV stimulation. I suspect it could have negative effects on the snakes well being, if not negative physical impacts on its retina. I don't know if the scientific data is available for the effect of such wavelengths on snake eyes, but I do know that if you stare at one of those blacklight bulbs for hours on end, it will give you a splitting headache. Why expose your snake to that kind of discomfort?

Secondly, you would be putting the snake in an environment where it would be unable to get away from the light source very easily (the sand would be fluorescing, even if the snake burrowed to try and get away from it). This would certainly have a negative impact on a shy animal like a sandboa.

If you want a pretty tank full of fluorescing sand, get one. If you want to take the responsibility for caring for a reclusive animal like a sandboa, get one. But I don't see much overlap between the two desires and I think trying to achieve both things at once would be abusive to the animal.

Just my $0.02.

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