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New Rosy Boa Mom

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Posted by CandyCorn on April 06, 2003 at 15:24:20:

We just acquired our first Rosy this past week and I am already in love with him! He did slither up to my face while I wasn't paying attention and proceeded to latch onto my cheek but he realized I'm a little big for him to eat so he let go. *hehe* It didn't hurt at all but of course I have to wonder why he did it... he couldn't have been hungry and I certainly don't look like his usual dinner fate. ha

Anyhow, I've not seen a whole bunch of these gorgoeus snakes in my travels but I've seen a few and this one doesn't look like any other I've ever seen. He is a bronze color with aged bronze stipes (almost green, sort of an olive color - the color green that bronze turns when it ages). Any idea what "type" of Rosy this is? I'll try to get some photos ASAP. He is really a gorgeous boy... he isn't a baby but I don't think he's full grown yet either. He is not overly long but he is quite big around compared to his head which is really small. Any ID help would be great!

We only have one other snake, a wild-caught corn snake which was given to us by some friends of ours last year. I owned 2 Red tail boas some years ago and went for several years without owning any reptiles at all. I missed it but am happy to say that we now have the two most perfect snakes in the world sharing our house with us. ;)


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