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no, it's actually really complicated!

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Posted by meretseger on April 04, 2003 at 18:43:04:

In Reply to: Re: exactly- posted by rjward97 on April 04, 2003 at 17:30:41:

Melanin makes brown too. But dark orange can also make brown. Also, by the way, albino sandboas are tyronase positive, which means they manufacture a type of melanin derivitive, and that's why they're orange and cream, not orange and white. Snake pigments get incredibly complicated, in ball pythons they've identified four different color layers that all can add to the look of a morph. It's crazy. I think it's NERD's website that has a good explanation of pigments, at least for ball pythons, and it helped me understand sandboas a lot. They're less popular, so we don't know as much about them. For example, what's up with paradox albino? Sandboas are the only snake in which this trait is genetic (so far), so no one knows how it works! I'm not even yet convinced that it's a seperate gene from regular albino, it might just be a different allele. Hopefully we'll know for sure in a few years if not sooner.

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