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Sorry, been away. Here are my thoughts

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Posted by trivirgata on March 27, 2003 at 10:53:03:

In Reply to: More locality problems... posted by dementedgoose on March 18, 2003 at 00:43:19:

:Hey everyone, I'm having the same promlem IanMuir was having... I'm not really sure of the localities/names, etc. of my rosies. When I purchased them I was told this one was a "Kofa Mountain" Rosy boa... though i've not really heard that names since. Can anyone help out? I've never posted pictures before, so hopefully this works out. I'll be posting another message with different picture for my other rosy.

> As you have noticed this is always a can of worms thing. In this case, a can of rosys. I have all the AZ locations, except the triv triv from the Maricopa Mts., and in my opinion, the animal in the pic can be from AZ or CA. It looks to be a low elevation animal, but without knowing it's exact origin, you will never know. I have two breeding pairs of Kofas from w/c parents, and only one female displays the light stripe coloration that yours does. The thing with the low elevation AZ animals is the variables that they can have within their own mountain rage. I used to live at the base of the Dome Rock Mts AZ., and spent a lot of time there finding animals that would have been 10 feet apart on the road, had they been there at the same time, that had dirty dark brown stripes and others with bright orange stripes. The Plomosa Mts and the Kofa Mts are just across the valley and they do not seem to have animals that display the same variables. I personaly only have animals that I am 100% of their origin and are 100% pure locality specific animals. That is my personal objective. Further, I do not believe that locality rosys should be crossed with other localities. I also believe that should not be practiced with any specie. I currently have 38 different localities of rosys, all 100% pure locality specific animals. If I obtain any new animals, the origin must be proven. Again, this is just my own personal anal practice. In my perfect world, nobody would have crossed locality rosys. Alright, enough of my crap. Bottom line is, you are taking the right path by giving you animal a generic name. I hope you continue to build your rosy collection. I further hope it is of pure locality specific animals. You will appreciate your collection even more. Just my opinion. If ya want to email me for my localities, please do @ I hope I didn't sound to stuffy.

Take it easy, Jerry Hartley

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