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Feeding rosy that just started eating after 8 months?

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Posted by Jeannie on March 24, 2003 at 22:17:28:

I posted this question a few days ago, but I guess my subject line was uninteresting (feeding after brumation), as I didn't get any replies. I really need some help on this one, and can't find the information anywhere else.

I have a '00 male rosy. He brumates every year (his choice; I don't intend to breed him). In '01, he stopped eating in late August, and brumated from October to March. Last summer, he stopped eating in July, and I simply could not get him to eat anything. I finally gave up and brumated him again, from October to March (he was somewhat lighter, but otherwise seemed in good health and active). Now he is again eating well, and seems no worse for wear, despite not eating for 8 months. He is quite small for his age, but I guess that's to be expected from a snake that only eats half the year.

Anyway, my question is about how much to feed him now that he's eating again. I don't know if I should try to get as much weight on him as possible, in case he goes off food in mid-summer again. Right now I'm giving him 2 pinkies 2x a week. Normally I would give him 2 pinkies once a week. In this situation, is "power feeding" the way to go?

Thanks for your advice!


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