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Re: question

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Posted by jasons-jungle on March 24, 2003 at 10:49:07:

In Reply to: question posted by nightdwarf on March 22, 2003 at 00:45:18:

:i have a adult pair of rough scale sand boas , the female is bigger than the male. when do they actually start breeding is it to soon in the year? they live in the same tank and she really looks alot fatter then when i frist got her about a mounth and a half ago,could she be knocked up or is it to early yet? thanks in advance

In my experience, a male will breed at 2 years old although it's possible for an 18-month male to produce sperm and successfully breed. Females usually need 30-36 months to be ready to breed.
It is totally possible to 'power feed' and get snakes ready sooner, but I don't see it as a healthy option. I suppose if I was working with $50,000 morphs, I would be a little more likely to do that to milk the cash cow, but in the end, it's rumored to take life off of the snake. I'd rather wait a year and make sure they are nicely weighted and ready to go than to push them into it.
Have you witnessed any copulation between them? They will lay close together and the ends of their tails will be together. You can check out for a picture of two of my Kenyans copulating.
Hope this helps,
Jason @ Jason's Jungle

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