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Re: My two girls are very gentle. Both have nipped but ....

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Posted by jasons-jungle on March 13, 2003 at 11:46:28:

In Reply to: My two girls are very gentle. Both have nipped but .... posted by Sonya on March 12, 2003 at 12:30:59:

:only when startled out of sleep by me finding the wrong end first in the substrate. The bigger of the two is 400gm 27inch and while the bite was more then a 'nip' it still bearly broke skin. Less then a corn or ratsnake tag easily. And both have only nipped like once each that I can remember. If you handle them first to be sure not to get a nippy baby you wouldn't be disappointed IMO. Mine both like to hang out, very like our BPs.

I definitely rate the sand boas in the top 3 tamest snakes (along with rosies and ball pythons). I absolutely love mine. Two main things for you though. As somebody mentioned, these aren't 'showy' snakes. They spend more than 1/2 their time buried in the substrate, that's how they are comfortable. Along the same lines, when I have mine out, they are very docile (just like most snakes, you can't touch them quickly or make horribly quick gestures at their head) but they do want to burrow. They'll burrow through your fingers, try to burrow into your clothes, and even funnier, find quite a bit of comfort burrowing into pockets or up shirt sleeves :) I wouldn't say that they actually 'enjoy' being handled, but most will certainly tolerate it. Like everything else, the more time you spend with them, the better they will be...
Good luck, I don't think you'll be disappointed,
Jason @ Jason's Jungle

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