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Re: Rosy boas in the wild

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Posted by Scott Lupien on March 13, 2003 at 11:05:28:

In Reply to: Re: Rosy boas in the wild posted by oldskool on March 12, 2003 at 23:46:33:

The limit in CA is two per fishing license per year and in possession. So if you catch two and keep them, then you can't catch two more next year. And it's illegal to sell wild-caught rosies. You can sell CB rosies, but only with a permit. So that pet store is definately breaking the law and should be reported to CA Fish And Game! Also, it's illegal to release reptiles into the wild -- even if you put them right back where you found them. So the law makes it tough for any individual to remove many boas from the wild. You can catch and give away boas -- but the recipient (if in CA) also needs a fishing license and is restricted to two. Note that people who live in boa habitat probably kill more boas in their lifetime by driving over them than a herper would legally take in his lifetime! But this is still far less than your average coyote, hawk, great horned owl, kingsnake, etc. will kill in its shorter life span.

Also, even if all of Riverside County were developed (which it won't be), boas would still not go extinct there. I say this because much of the land that is already developed still has plenty of them. I'm not talking about strip malls and the like, but about hillsides with houses on them where the lot sizes are an acre or more, avocado plantations, etc.. And, of course, there are vast parks like Anza Borrego that will never be developed. Rest assured that rosies are in no danger!

:ok, i appreciate your responses, thank you all. may i say it seems you have thought about these issues. obviously you all enjoy snakes (how could you not? he he). yet - it seems to me some of the people have posted about collecting 4 or 5 snakes at once from the field - this is not 2. please, if people ask, might one not tell them to take 2 only? also, is it 2 per year? i guess thats not so bad.
:the pet store worker in moreno valley was bragging about all the rosy's they catch and sell. is that illegal? thank you again

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