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Posted by jfmoore on March 11, 2003 at 15:16:36:

In Reply to: Re: sand boa size and care posted by Drista on March 10, 2003 at 16:59:01:

One thing that attracts me to this forum (other than my love of sand boas, of course) is the usual lack of posturing and name calling here. I see the same situation in the caging forum, as well. People feel free to ask any questions; people respond sharing their experiences. It’s what these forums are supposed to be all about.

On many of the forums, however, use of words like “idiot” (usually in the first sentence of a response!) seems to be de rigueur. What a communication stopper! But maybe that’s the intention. Anyway, Drista, if I’m reading your earlier posts correctly, you got your first sand boas just two weeks ago. Before that, you posted a few basic queries which people responded to helpfully without sarcasm or condescension. So pass it on, okay? No need to try to make yourself bigger at someone else’s expense.

By the way, Snakeman5124’s friend is not far off the mark. Some sand boas, particularly females, exceed THREE feet in length. I’m sure I’m not the only one here who can attest to that from personal experience – in my case with Kenyan and Indian sand boas.

I hope you keep enjoying those boas for decades to come.


::I am thinking about getting a sand boa and my friend and I have been debating about size, he thinks they get several feet and I think they get at most about 2 feet. I also would like to know
::1. How long do they live?
::2. Do they realy live in 10-15 gallon cages?
::3. What is a reasonable price?
::4. During what months are they "in season"?
::5. how often do you feed them and how much per month does it cost

:First off your friend is an idiot. Males are around 18 inches and females around 22 inches. They can be kept in a 10 to 15 gallon tank(although i use rubbermaids). Aspen bedding is perfect. Give them undertank heat. One spot can be 86 the rest can be room temp. Gravid females may use a spot that's a tad warmer. Most baby Kenyans cost around 50$ maybe 35$. Unless you want a different morph which is more. Cost is cheap. A baby sand boa will eat a small pinky every 4-7 days. Adults will take adult mice. Please do more research. This is just a quick overview

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