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Sperm retention in Rosy boas

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Posted by jccorona on March 11, 2003 at 12:04:44:

I was wondering about a Rosy that I acquired last year, around the end of the summer. The story goes this way, the person that owned it before me told me that he had his boas with some males
that he thinks may have impregnated them. So when I got the Rosies they were all on the thinner side, not huge at all, so I hibernated them at around 60 degrees for about 4 months, so anyways I just had a friend tell me that one of them looks gravid, and in fact it really does look like it gained some weight, over the winter, could it have mated and retained
the sperm for a long time and now be gravid?? that is my question
any help would be appreciated, I don't wanna get my hopes up too high.......
Thanks, Jack

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