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Re: baby KSB's still not doing well

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Posted by jasons-jungle on March 11, 2003 at 07:43:11:

In Reply to: Re: baby KSB's still not doing well posted by meretseger on March 10, 2003 at 16:19:36:

:They're so tiny I'm reluctant to give them shots at all. I could suggest it to one of my vets though. The seller hasn't contacted me at all, and I'm really unhappy with him. Not even an apology. However, I'm probably not going to make a big deal about it unless one of them dies or incurs major vet bills. But just so you know, he sells a lot of paradoxes, and his name starts with L, ends with Y and has an ee Fra in the middle.

Really? That suprises me, I though he had a pretty good reputation and would have thought he would be helping you out! Thanks for the warning!
I should have noted a little better that I don't like to give any of my snakes shots. This is taken orally. And darnit, I forgot to look for you last night. I'm sure your vet would know about it (and maybe several other ideas as well).
Again, I hope things work out and sorry about your experience...
Jason @ Jason's Jungle

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