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Re: I'm a little confused now-

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Posted by jasons-jungle on March 05, 2003 at 09:08:20:

In Reply to: I'm a little confused now- posted by meretseger on March 04, 2003 at 17:28:40:

:I wasn't aware that Egypians were cream/ivory colored snakes. In the pictures I found of them, on John Hollister's website and the sand boa FAQ, linked below, they appear to have colors very similar to Kenyans. Are you saying that his pattern is Egytian? What should I look for in the eyes? They look very much like Kenyan eye in everything but the color. I'm not promising anything involving my camera and closeups! But I'll try tomorrow.

: check out the bottom pic, a nice orange egyptian
:and this one looks more yellow, but not white

From what I know/understand, the original 'Egyptian' sand boas were more yellowish than standard Kenyans. Over the past 10+ years of inter-breeding, the original Egyptian strain is almost none-existent but any Kenyan that comes out yellowish rather than orange is termed 'Egyptian'.
As far as I know, Mr. Hollister is the only individual that uses the term Egyptian sand boas and I have no doubts that his line is as close to a pure Egyptian that you can get. In general, both have been classified into East African Sand Boas and the differences any more are far and few between.
What is easier to pinpoint is that the original albino strain of 'Kenyans' first involved 'Egyptian' sand boas, or at least snakes that were a lighter orange. Those still exist but have been bred into the darker "Tanzania" lines of East African Sand Boas to produce a very dark orange and cream (certainly a prettier snake by all accounts).
Anyway, that's my take. I think each has their own opinion and philosophy but it is too bad that so much inter-breeding has gone on over the years that there are so few pure Egyptian sand boas exist. That leads to labeling of true Kenyans as 'Egyptian' sand boas just because they more yellow than orange.
Happy herping,
Jason @ Jason's Jungle

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