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Re: I feel horrible....

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Posted by serpentdude on March 04, 2003 at 10:49:40:

In Reply to: I feel horrible.... posted by heartsx2 on March 03, 2003 at 20:00:53:

Well, ya know, stuff always happens. Just the other week I was doing some maintenance on my snakes and their enclosures, and what did I end up doing...leaving the top off a boa terrarium. Guess what happened? I walk back in a few hours later and no snake! Fortunately after about 10 minutes of tearing the room apart I found him curled up in a corner. But talk about a bone-head thing to do! So it happens to all of us!

Your rosy should be fine! Depending on how deep the wound is there may end up being a "dimple" there due to the depth of the wound. Be aware that injuries can sometimes throw them off their feeding so don't panic if it doesn't decide to eat for awhile.

Good luck!


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