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Re: force feeding

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Posted by Aaron on February 21, 2003 at 03:39:20:

In Reply to: worried about baby Kenyans posted by meretseger on February 19, 2003 at 17:26:34:

I have never kept any Sand Boas but I have force fed numerous snakes, graybands, mtn. kings, mexicana, and rosy boas. Since rosy boas are somewhat similar to sand boas I might offer some advice. All the others I have been mostly successful when I've had to force feed buy the rosies did not do well. Using a pinky pump without fail every one resisted violently and regurgitatated every time. Once force feeding began they never fed on their own and deteriorated much faster than the ones that were simply allowed to go hungry. And without fail every one I forcefed eventually died. This was only four babies from one litter but it was 100% death. If it were me I would try every other trick, live, dead, frozen (I've had snakes that would only take frozen/thawed only if the pinks were freezer burned), scented with a wide variety of things, live or frozen lizards, frogs, finche or chicken broth scented, baby wild mice, even try putting the snake in a dark container and driving it around in a car. All of these methods except for chicken broth I've used successfully at one time or another. I realize there are health risks assocciated with wild prey so try the less risky methods first. If I had to force feed rosies again I would break of the legs and tail of a frozen defrosed pinky and push it down with a blunt probe.
Kenyans are not rosies but that has been my experience for what it's worth.

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