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Re: What are all the Rhac breeders using for housing?

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Posted by Tegan on March 27, 2003 at 14:09:05:

In Reply to: What are all the Rhac breeders using for housing? posted by on March 27, 2003 at 12:48:46:

Sure! I've got both screen and glass tank (with screen top). For seperateing out and for babies I have a bunch of 10 gallons with screen tops. Humidity isn't as big of an issue as people think. I have humid hides in all my enclosures and mist once a day for the glass tanks and twice a day for the screen cages. I think the only reason I dont use an open top rack is because I would be afraid of one of the cresteds wedgeing themself at the back of the rack between the box and the lid, then I go to open it and they get hurt. I would use a rack with lids though. I guess it just boils down to what each person likes. I like both screen and glass, but would rather not do plastic tubs/rack (I like to watch my geckos though too.).


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