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Is it scientifically impossible, or....

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Posted by azteclizard on March 07, 2003 at 15:28:56:

In Reply to: How am I arguing? posted by ThaVille on March 07, 2003 at 14:52:10:

is it physically impossible. I don't see how eating is a scientific act it is a physical act. Get it right or else you might come of as IGNORANT!

:Im stating a fact. There is no possible way that a mealworm can eat its way out of anything after being eaten itself. If you believe, this you are ignorant. I'm not trying to start a fight, but it is true. It is scientifically impossible. After being crushed by the geckos' jaws, then being digested by stomach acids (some of the most powerful acids in the world), not to mention the lack or air (how would it breath inside another animal????). If you continue to believe this myth, I feel sorry for you and you should not own herps. Unless there is a new race of invincible mealworms out there, it is impossible, plain and simple. You can attempt to argue thism but there is no argument against a fact.


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