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Re: Problems heating leachianus cage

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Posted by leprachaun13 on February 13, 2003 at 20:24:36:

In Reply to: Problems heating leachianus cage posted by Brandon on February 13, 2003 at 16:45:49:

I saw your pics of the enclosure on the leachie mailing list and must say it looks great. I'm not sure about the heat rope, I've never heard of the stuff, but I might have an alternative.

What I've done for my adult leachies is I bought a dome light fixtures from Home Depot for like $2 (they wanted $9 at the petstore) and a couple of the lower wattage (apprx. 60 watts) "night glow" light bulbs. Since I already had an extra thermostat (apprx. $20 @ Big Apple Herp) I plugged the lights into there and set the temp. That way the lower wattage light gives a small increased area of heat like a basking area, but also adds to the ambient air temperature in the enclosure. BTW I leave the light on all day and night.

So, basically what I've done by doing this was add a little bit of supplemental heat, while keeping it under control with the thermostat. If you feel daring, lol, you might try buying one of those radiant heat panels. But the main thing I'd suggest either way is buying a thermostat because it really comes in handy, and gives you piece of mind that your animals aren't frying or freezing while you're gone.

When you get it all set up post some pics of the enclosure and Yoshi in it's new home.

Good Luck


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