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Posted by Raymond Moreno on January 12, 2003 at 17:51:54:

In Reply to: GEESH...I'M JEALOUS!! posted by Raymond Moreno on January 12, 2003 at 17:50:14:

:Hey Sue,

:so what did you finally end-up getting?

:You mentioned the GARGOYLE gecko from "PM Herps"...and a breath later mentioned that your daughter INISTED on a CRESTED gecko from "Gex-Files". (So which one was it, the GARGOYLE or the CRESTY)?

:And don't leave us in suspense, let's see the photo's!!

:I'm really bummed-out, because I live in the San Francisco area, and there are NEVER herp shows here. Well OK...only one or two "PER YEAR - that are NOT within driving distance. (And I'm NOT driving 5 1/2 hours to the multitude of herp shows in the Los Angeles vicinity).

:And in closing, how is your beardie Delilah doing? Is she growing, and is she comfortable around you yet?

:Pictures, pictures.

:In Christ Raymond

::I was suprised I even slept last nite, but I was up at 5am and worked all day...It feels the its been a continous baby boom at work anyway.......

::Got up at 7:30am got my java of course (my life-blood cannot live without!) in the shower, got my daughter up in the shower and on the road by to White Plains in the hour I figured it would take and Rach and I were so excited, she told me I was acting like a little kid, I told her to "get over it" and we Ran accross the street and into the show...

::I was overwhelmed with all there was to see, all the creatures Ive only read about or seen photos of and some I havent were there. Saw lots of familiar names on tables from web sites Ive visited that was really cool!

::Herpers are some of the most intelligent, nicest people Ive ever met! I was suprised at how many families were there together, and for the numbers of snakes that people had purchased carrying many cloths bags in their hands....

::We looked at EVERYTHING! twice! After a few hours of walking around we decided to get the gargoyle gecko from pm herps, and we met Mike C. from gexfiles, a very nice fellow and his crestys were amazing, beautiful and so healthy! Rachael insisted we HAD to have one of his boys.....its funny because Abby is around 5-6 months old and minature compared to this cresty that is I think full grown or almost (but mike can answer that better, I spaced out what he told me this cresty's age is, it was a case of total sensory overload for me! LOL !) names will come in time!

::The prices on things were so good, we got a l5 gallon tall tank for $l8.00 !!!!!! light fixtures for $9.00, my daughter got a gecko shirt and turtle earrings! (the turtle earrings came with a free reservoir water dish, an extra added unexpected bonus!)

::Oh and I got a two year subscription to reptile magazine and three issues of my choice from the table for free!!!!

::I bought a really neat substrate from PMgeckos, he makes it himself, its a really fine crushed "?" oh shoot, now I dont remember, its very fine, brown, almost like a very fine mulch, I asked about impaction potential etc, and they said its very digestable, and holds the humidity in very well for rhac' im trying it.

::on the way home we were hungary so we stopped at a diner, put our critters in their deli cups inside our backpack and went inside, I told rach not to tell anyone what was in the backpack, we didnt want them to get cold, and didnt want anyone to freak out either LOL !

::Anyway we are home now, it took awhile to get things inside, and prepared for the little ones....I have 2000 crix arriving tommorow afternoon picked up a few to hold us over until then, I now have 7 "gizzards" as we refer to them to feed, and loving it!

::Well I think thats it for now, thanks for reading!



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