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Re: new to cresties - feeding question

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on January 06, 2003 at 15:02:23:

In Reply to: Re: new to cresties - feeding question posted by leprachaun13 on January 06, 2003 at 14:12:38:

Congrats on your new cresties! Mine like peach, apricot, plum, and bannana(I feed them peach or apricot mostly though). I haven't heard of any one feeding raisins to a cresty before and I'm a little conserned if you should try to feed raisins. They seem kind of big for cresties and I don't think they will digest easily. It's better to stick to fresh fruits or baby food of the mentioned above. I feed babies crickets every day with baby food every other day because many babies don't seem to like baby food. As adults they should be fed crix one day, fruit the next.

:Great advice, I put the mixture (mangos, bananas, etc, w/ a little lemon juice to help preserve it) into ice cube trays. Then let them freeze, throw them into a plastic bag and leave them in the freezer. If you do that you can thaw out the cubes of food in about 15 seconds in the microwave. Throw out any unused food from that night though because it isn't the greatest smell to wake up to in the morning. Good Luck



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