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Re: Baby Crested Turning Black?

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on December 12, 2002 at 14:54:21:

In Reply to: Baby Crested Turning Black? posted by falconer44 on December 12, 2002 at 14:41:02:

It sounds to me that your crested is either stressed out or cold. Cresties like other lizards will change color due to these factors.Young cresties tend to be shy and stress out easier than adults. Now it is true that some animals will change in color as they mature, but not that quickly. If it is black then that means it is very stressed or very cold. I wouldn't handle it for awhile and make sure your temps are right. If it keeps this color up for much longer I would definately go to a vet if possible.

:I have a 4 mo. old crested who is supposed to be red fire and today i noticed he seemed to be able to become black. I took him out and he was darker than usual. After i put him back, he seemed to be able to be lighter and darker shades of black. Could this be a new color morph or is there something wrong? Thanks in advance for any help.

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