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Re: Baby food?

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Posted by Silly-atus fan on September 22, 2002 at 21:04:50:

In Reply to: Baby food? posted by JIP on September 21, 2002 at 21:39:48:

:How long can a jar of baby food be kept in the fridge before it shouldn't be used. The label said 3 days, but that is for human consumption,

Human or gecko, if the food is spoilt or going bad, the diner can get sick. Over the years of reading the GGA List, I've heard of some cases of geckos getting sick from food that's too far gone. I play it safe, never use food after the 3rd day, and always keep it refridgerated. The way I do it is make a batch of fruit in the blender, freeze it in icecube trays. If you're only feeding one or two gecks, the smaller cubes would be big enough. Thaw it in the microwave or at room temp for a few hours, and you're all set. It's also way cheaper to make your own.

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