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Re: Great... but you say....

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Posted by Gecko_King on October 28, 2002 at 22:47:52:

In Reply to: Great... but you say.... posted by Gecko2525 on October 28, 2002 at 21:29:54:

:You say I need a small area, and then I don't need a small area.
:I think that is what you meant. Are you saying the spot lamp is good or bad? (BELOW)
:You never explained your setup. Lamp & bulb or just bulb?
:Do you put your lamp on your lid directly?
:Maybe she isn't too small then. Is your females like an inch small than your males though? How big are both your male and females?

:*quote*With Cresteds, you don't want to heat the entire cage. They require alot of air ventalation. Just heat a ["small area"] to about 85 degrees. Spot light produce a lot of heat in a ["small area"] *unquote* (ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU SAID I WANT)

A spot light is great way to heat your animals. Just make sure there is plenty of room in the cage for them to get away from the heat. The size of the spot light will be determined by the cage that you have. You only need to heat about 1/4 of the cage (idealy the top portion) I place my light directly on the screen. I also use a full spectrum flourecent light as well. I am sure that it helps the Cresteds some (I know breeders who do not use any lights what so ever and produce lots a great babies) it is also very good for my live plants.70 degrees at night is fine for your gecko's, but I would warm them up a little during the day.
Good luck with them

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