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Posted by herpconsultants2 on April 09, 2003 at 17:14:15:

In Reply to: Clelia vs Bothrops posted by herpconsultants2 on April 08, 2003 at 19:30:39:

Glad some of you liked the pic, even if it was spoilt by a rather immature individual.

I worked at a fieldstation in the Colombian Amazon between '93 and '98. During this period this was the only adult Clelia I ever saw (I only ever saw one other individual, a baby). B.atrox however was the most common snake, but was by no means "common." Contrary to general belief, snakes in the Amazon aren't hanging off every branch!

I took this photo at about 5AM. The Clelia was about 6 foot long, and the Bothrops was over 4 and a half SVL (the biggest I ever saw). The Bothrops had just eaten a large rat, so the Clelia was in for a good meal. Unfortunately there was too much good data to lose and the Clelia went hungry, had it's data recorded and was released.

Another photo I took of the scene (with a 15mm fish-eye) earned me a Runner-up in the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition (the largest of its kind worldwide) in 1998. I need to get the slide scanned so I'll post it here when I do.

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