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Re: Pictures of the Process....

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Posted by ABSTRACT on March 20, 2003 at 11:55:57:

In Reply to: Pictures of the Process.... posted by Chance on March 19, 2003 at 09:57:55:

:Here are a few pictures of what I was able to witness so far between these two snakes.

:In this one, the male is still trying to get into the best position and having quite a time about it. A couple of times he was able to subdue her and get her to stop, but seemed to get distracted and let her go on her way.

:This was the final position that allowed them to actually hook up and copulate. It's always interesting to see the male being able to just "know" where his tail is in relation to hers and know exactly when to stop moving forward with seemingly only touch and no other senses being used.

:One last little closeup of the act.

:Just a little while ago I witnessed some more courtship acts by the male and female that are pictured here mating, so I'm sure there are more copulations in store.

dam looking good,i'll take a pair of babies when they come out!
congratulations hopefully my thrasops will do the same!

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