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So I've had my Philodryas for about a week

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Posted by Saker on March 12, 2003 at 22:53:15:

I figure some of you would be interested in hearing a progress report of sorts.

Well, number one the snakes never had a problem feeding, it was healthy from the day I got it(thank you Amazon reptile). Pending scotts advice and common sense I've kept handling to an absolsute minimum. With the little amount of venom this guy can get into his prey it's amazing how fast the pinky turns purple.

I think desired temp would be about 78f and humidity is still a bug needed to be worked out(I've talked to Mr. Gasse who is the only person I know with an extensive knowledge of the animals), the snkae certainly seems to "like" the setup though its only been a week so time will tell.

Semi arboreal for sure, though he does sleep on the ground coiled under a leaf he can be seen going though the branches.

I'd call these guys eaters for sure, this little guy wolfed down a pink on the 8th of March only 3 days after his last feed :O. It readily drinks out of ground level water dish as well as sprayed water drops. Though I notice no soaking in the dish he does take the occasional dip.

So if a fast green Semi-Arboreal snake with an unstudied venom is your thing. I'd talk to Amazon, but wait until I get my female!

PS: they do indeed change shades of green under different lighting, In the attached picture it looks much darker than in person.

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