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Just wondering

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Posted by Chance on November 13, 2002 at 11:58:44:

In Reply to: Re: Me too...more posted by BGF on November 13, 2002 at 08:33:03:

Since you've worked with Dispholidus quite a bit it seems, if you could help me out a little here. You agree with me about their intelligence. I'm wanting to do a little guided research at my university on this animal, and like I said in the above post, it can go one of two ways. Originally I had planned to try to figure out just how smart they are, but lately I've been perplexed as to trying to figure out why they produce the smell that they do. Any suggestions here?

Also, last night I was watching that crazy guy on Animal Planet, though I can't remember his name, running around trying to take pictures of Africa's seven most dangerous snakes (two of which he gets tagged by). He referred to the boomslang as being, drop for drop, the most toxic snake on earth, as it has the most concentrated venom, etc etc. Well, after seeing this guy in action it's obvious he's no real expert, but I was just curious as to see what you'd have to say about their venom. I know it's incredibly hot, and I have heard other people saying they are the most venomous, drop for drop, so I'd like to get your opinion since you yourself have actually done research on the toxins they posses. Thanks.

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