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She's SO pretty... (more)

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Posted by Kestrel on May 11, 2003 at 07:30:46:

In Reply to: She's SO pretty... (more) posted by Charlotte on May 10, 2003 at 23:01:34:

I got her and 2.1 hets from an older guy named Rick in Kansas, who's actually currently advertising the parents(both albino) for sale on the classifieds right now. He's got a huge collection of mostly(or all) colubrids, and works with asian elaphe quite a bit. He's also got some het albino, het hypo, double het for both, and homo for both King Rats for sale right now too.. Wish i had more money.. grrr..

The differences are generally the shade of overall yellow. T+s tend to be duller, and more orange with some adults developing a sort of brown pattern, while the T-s stay bright bright yellow and white. The t- are way rarer, and expect to pay around(dunno exactly) a grand for a juvie.. Wai Lui is breeding those, along with patternless, hypo and anery.. He's working on producing Snows, and i can't wait to see those. If i'm lucky i might get some double het for snows next year. ;)

:She's gorgeouse Brie!
:where did you get her? do you know the differences between T+ and T-? If so... enlighten me please...


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