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Raleigh turn out

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Posted by Conrad on May 04, 2003 at 18:56:40:

Just picked up a pair of russian rats. Guy says they've been cooled, just not put together yet. Let's see what we can do! This show could have been a lot better as far as colubrids go, but it did have some good stuff. I missed out on a gravid pair of Kunasari's, and a gravid corn because it started laying after the show started, and a pair of whiteside blacks. Were a ton of bearded dragons and a few nice monitors, and I decided not to get another pair of blues. They were alright, but the guys that had them didn't know anything about them. They claimed the male was 6' but my female even dwarfs him, and they were pretty rough looking. All in all not a bad show, but not what I've come to expect from this show for sure. Hopefully August will be better, and the Columbia show is always out there too.

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