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Posted by electricbluescat on May 01, 2003 at 20:54:06:

In Reply to: John, posted by Terry Cox on May 01, 2003 at 19:43:18:

:Emory's depend on which morph/ssp., and who's selling. I bought a Northern Plains Rat, E. g. emoryi, last year for $30, just because the color was outstanding. The "intermontana" could be as high as $150/ea. depending (locality snakes). The Brazos Island Rats (locality), E. g. meahllmorum, might be around $100/ea. (tell Gus I sent 'cha. These snakes are super cool.)

:::intermontana. I'm on a list to get a pair in 2 years. The wait is worth it. They will be a pair of offspring from a pair they got from Don Soderberg's line. Don has verified he sold a pair of his offspring to the breeder. How far away is your creamsicle project?

::::I have "intermontana" from CO. and Brazos Island Emory's that Gus Renfro sells. Love 'em. They are neat snakes and should be legal in Georgia along with Cal kings, etc :)



::How much does an emory rat snake cost? are they higher or cheaper than california kingsnakes?




I wanting to get a colony of snakes started. like 2 cali kings 1 male 1 female and maybe some rat snakes. Do rat snakes have a mild temperament? I have only been bitten by a snake once and it was a wild caught garter snake. To me an iguauna bite is much worse than a snake bite. I had an iguana to tear into my arm once.


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