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Taiwan Beauty Snakes for beginner?

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Posted by Klyk on April 30, 2003 at 16:23:07:

In Reply to: Taiwan Beauty Snakes for beginner? posted by meretseger on April 30, 2003 at 04:39:49:

>>it :). IMO, they're really great snakes, and the only thing >>that makes them any harder to keep than a corn is their size.

Thanks for the info guys :) I am pretty sure I'm going to be getting one within the next few weeks... very excited! The only thing I am really wondering about is the size of cage I need. I am getting a baby, but I have a 10 gal aquarium, as well as a 25 gal aquarium to graduate it up to before I get the big cage. How long does it take for them to reach their full size? I was thinking that a 65 or maybe 100 gal Reptarium might be good for an adult, but am I going to have to wait 3-4 years before I can stick it in there? I think the 100 gal is about as long and almost as wide as Kestrel's cage. Will anyone w/ a Taiwan Beauty Snake let me pester them with questions over email or something? LOL, I have waaaaaay too many questions, and I've searched all over the net with no info pertaining to these snakes in particular... I'm going to be a nervous snake-mom LOL

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