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Asian pics....

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Posted by krisg on April 18, 2003 at 11:49:28:

Just got a bunch of rolls of film developed and put on cd... found some rat snake pics snuck in there!

Here's a pic taken over a year ago of my male blue beauty... finally one that actually captures his true color...

Here's the current setup, male on the left, female on the right. I'm *contemplating* taking the partition out and letting them live together, but as I posted below, I'm just not sure. If like Terryp said (thanks btw!) the male becomes overly dominant, the female might get stressed. Putting the partition back will be a pain...

And here's my favourite... A royally peeved (and shedding) radiated rat snake. She's calmed down a lot since, this pic is probably about 6 months old... She's now big enough to be eating adult mice! :-D

Thanks for looking!

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